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Plastic materials, packaging and consumer products must satisfy a wide variety of specifications and legal requirements.

Their distinct properties are primarily defined by their structure, manufacturing method and treatment.

Our accredited laboratories analyse various materials, e.g. plastic materials, metals, lubricants, adhesives, dyes and other packaging materials, such as paper and cardboard. These products are tested for compliance with the law by means of analytical methods, such as screenings or target analyses, material testing and mechanical testing. In addition, the validity and plausibility of the documents supplied are assessed. Materials in direct contact with foodstuffs, such as packaging and other consumer goods, can be tested for migration of substances.

Members in the sector of Plastics

Aatest AG
5600 Lenzburg
Association ARQHA
1510 Moudon
Bachema AG
8952 Schlieren
Bioexam AG
6006 Luzern
Biolytix AG
4243 Dittingen
CAS Clean-Air-Service AG
9630 Wattwil
Eurofins Scientific AG
5012 Schönenwerd
GAUSSTEC Ingenieurbüro GmbH
4534 Flumenthal
3123 Belp
Intertek (Schweiz) AG
8952 Schlieren
Labor Veritas AG
8002 Zürich
Laboratoire Dubois S.A.
2300 La Chaux-de-Fonds
9245 Oberbüren
Medistri SA
1564 Domdidier
Natura Chimica SA
1618 Châtel-St-Denis
Niutec AG
8404 Winterthur
RMS Foundation
2544 Bettlach
Scitec Research SA
1007 Lausanne
SGS Aargau GmbH
5036 Oberentfelden
Simec AG
4665 Oftringen
Solvias AG
4303 Kaiseraugst
SQTS Swiss Quality Testing Services Dietikon
8953 Dietikon
Suisse Technology Partners AG
8212 Neuhausen am Rheinfall
6210 Sursee
Ugra Swisstesting AG
9014 St. Gallen
Wessling AG
3250 Lyss

Preferred Partner