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Bachema AG

STS-Nr. 064

In our laboratories all kind of environmental samples are analysed with chemical and microbiological methods. Our services include optimised sample logistics and fast and clear reporting.

Chemical and microbiological analyses of water samples

- Ground water, source water, drinking water.

- Pollutants of ground water and water of leachates according to Swiss ordinance of contaminated sites (AltlV), sampling with mobile pumps from ground water sampling wells.

- Waste waters from industry, construction sites according to Swiss water protection ordinance (GSchV).

- Technical waters of hot or cold water circuits, condensates from steamer, ground-water/water-heat-pumps, purified waters.

- Legionella in water of cooling towers and hot water.

Pre-treatment of solid samples and chemical analyses

- Chemical analysis of excavation material, debris and recycling materials according to Swiss ordinance of waste treatment (TVA), including the representative preparation and pre-treatment of the entire original sample (homogenisation, milling, partitioning). 

- Chemical analysis of pollutants in agricultural soil samples according to Swiss ordinance of soil protection (VBBo).

- Chemical analyses of hazardous compounds in debris and recycling material.

- Leaching tests according to TVA/AltlV and chemical analyses of the leachate.

- Pre-treatment, preparation, fractionation of sub-samples from bottom-ash and fly-ash, electronic waste, and chemical analyses for precious metals and rare earth elements or pollutants.

Bachema AG

Rütistrasse 22

8952 Schlieren

Google Map

Tel +41 44 738 39 00

Fax +41 44 738 39 90

Kontaktperson (en)

Dr. Annette Rust


ISO 17025

Preferred Partner