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RMS Foundation

RMS Foundation: Competence in testing, research and consulting

The RMS Foundation is an independent service laboratory and research institute. It offers testing and advisory services for materials and components as well as medical and orthopaedic products.

  • Incoming material tests

  • Materialographic examinations, microstructure

  • Static and fatigue tests of components and products

  • Tensile, compression, flexural, torsional or complex loading tests

  • Analysis of surface composition and cleanliness

  • Failure analysis

  • Wear properties

  • Corrosion resistance

  • Linear and non-linear Finite Element Analysis

  • Cleaning and sterilisation tests

  • Artificial ageing

  • Literature reviewing

Research and technology transfer are focused on medical applications and are conducted alone or in cooperation with external partners.

The RMS Foundation is certified according to ISO 9001. The ISO/IEC 17025 accreditation of several test methods and the regular participation in international round-robin tests guarantee a reliable and professional service completion.

RMS Foundation

Bischmattstrasse 12

2544 Bettlach

Google Map

Tel +41 32 644 20 00

Kontaktperson (en)

Dr. Aart Molenberg


ISO 17025

ISO 9001

Preferred Partner