TESTEX AG with headquarters in Zurich is a privately-organized, since 1846 global and in-dependent Swiss testing and certification enterprise, focusing the textile sector. TESTEX has a subsidiary in Hong Kong and its own representative offices in Beijing, Shanghai, Seoul, Taipei, Kuala Lumpur and Jakarta Its range of services extends from standard physical and chemical textile tests through resi-due and harmful substance analysis (e.g. certifications according to Oeko-Tex® Standard 100) to factual investigation in cases of damage, consulting on environmental and quality issues, and special services such as organising round robin tests and on-site services. Our testing facilities are structured in such a way that we can make available a comprehensive range of tests for all textile raw materials, semi-finished and finished products. We are espe-cially proud to be one of the few institutes in the world which is still able to test raw silk and silk products. Details to our services can be found under our Website www.testex.com. As an accredited testing laboratory we consider ourselves obliged to improve our quality ma-nagement and technical expertise continuously in the service of our clients. We therefore endeavour always to perform tests in accordance with national and international regulations and standards. Our success is based on the high quality of our service, on the correct attitude towards our environment and the statement of social responsibility.
ISO 17025
TESTEX® was balready accrediterd by the Swiss A>creditation Office for compliance with EN 45001 in 1999. In 2001 TESTEX® became one of the first textile testing institutes to transfer successfully to ISO 17025, as documented by the Swiss Federal Office for Metrology and Accreditation. This not only confirmed that our quality management system fulfils the requirements of ISO 9000, but also certifies our competence to perform selected tests in accordance with the current state of the art. We are proud to have achieved this goal. This success encourages us to continue to structure our quality manage-ment and our services (STS 228) with even greater client focus in future and to improve continuously.
EN 45011
In 2006 the Product Certification Body of TESTEX® was accredited according to EN 45011 by the SAS (Swiss Accreditation Service). TESTEX® is deemed to be a certification body for personal protective equipment (PPE) and textile products. Type certificates are issued according to …
EU Council Directive 89/686/EEC and
the regulations governing the safety of products (PrSV) dated 19 May 2010

Gotthardstrasse 61
8027 Zürich
Tel +41 44 206 42 42
Fax +41 44 206 42 30
Kontaktperson (en)
Matz Bachmann
ISO 17025