SQTS Swiss Quality Testing Services St-Aubin
SQTS (Swiss Quality Testing Services) is the provider of laboratory services in Switzerland. Our test spectrum and the assessment covers food products, pet food, packaging, chemicals, do-it-yourself products and also articles of daily use such as textiles, toys and promotionals.
State-of-the-art analytical methods
Expert advice
Scheduled processing
We offer the following main focuses in the ranges…
Food and packaging:
Microbiology (aerobic mesophilic bacteria, salmonellae, listeria, campylobacter, verotoxin-forming strains (VTES), multi-resistant germs, etc.)
Residues (pesticides and animal drugs)
Contaminants (toxins, heavy metals)
Allergens (nuts, milk, celery, mustard, gluten, lactose etc.)
Substances of Food Contact Materials (migration, screening)
Trace elements (metals, minerals, vitamins)
Nutritional values
Molecular biological analyses (determination of species, genetically modified organisms GMO)
Label checks, claims (food, cure, cosmetics, supplements, biocidal products)
Articles of daily use:
Microbiological analyses
Legal conformity and differentiation (food, cure, cosmetics, supplements, biocidal products)
Document checks
Chemicals, mechanical and electrical Equipment:
Practice tests
Standards review
Analytical Tests ( RoHS, REACh, PAHs, plasticizer)
Second party audits / inspections:
HACCP, hygiene
Consultation concerning risks

SQTS Swiss Quality Testing Services St-Aubin
Route de la Petite Glâne 28
1566 St-Aubin
Tel +41 58 577 11 11
Fax +41 58 577 11 19
Kontaktperson (en)
Simon Bourguet
ISO 17025