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IMP Bautest AG

The range of services offered by IMP includes chemical and chemical-physical testing and assessment of a wide variety of building materials, in particular comprehensive chemical and microbiological testing of drinking water and bathing water, analysis of waste materials (TVA), analysis of soils and excavated material (VBBo, excavation guideline), landfill leachate, etc..

The services offered by the i-m-p division include comprehensive physical, mechanical and microscopic tests and analyses of road and bridge surfaces, asphalt, concrete, sealants, building materials and soils in road construction, civil engineering and building construction.

The laboratories are accredited in accordance with ISO 17025 (STS 016).

IMP Bautest AG

Laborweg 1

4625 Oberbuchsiten

Google Map

Tel +41 62 389 98 99

Fax +41 62 389 98 90

Kontaktperson (en)

Dr. Fabrizio Gorla


ISO 17025

Preferred Partner