Suisse Technology Partners AG
Suisse Technology Partners Ltd. - Technology service provider for turnkey solutions
Suisse Technology Partners Ltd., based in Neuhausen am Rheinfall, is an independent technology service provider for the Pharmaceutical & Chemical Industry and Materials Technology Sector.
The Pharma & Chemistry business area supports customers in research and development projects and offers a broad portfolio of analytical services in GMP certified and ISO/IEC 17025 accredited laboratories in addition to contract research and project management.
The Materials Technology business area supports customers from various sectors (e.g. metal industry, consumer goods industry, medical technology and others) in questions concerning the technical safety of products or the development of innovative aluminum surfaces, and offers practical assistance with a wide range of materials issues - from mechanical testing and damage analysis to innovative development projects.
The most important physico-chemical analysis methods of Suisse Technology Partners AG are:
Inorganic elemental analysis (ICP-MS, ICP-OES, AAS, UV-VIS, XRF), particle size determination and zeta potential, gravimetry, Karl Fischer water determination and titrations
Chromatography (UPLC and HPLC with MS, DAD or RI, GC Headspace, GPC with triple detection)
Thermo-analytical and spectroscopic methods (DSC, TGA, DMA, TMA, FTIR, UV-VIS), FT-IR microscopy, rheology as well as calorimetry and coulometry, among others for polymer analytics
Screening analyses of inorganic samples using X-ray fluorescence (XRF)
Light microscopy, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) with EDX and EBSD, interference microscopy, computer tomography and instrumental microhardness testing.
Some examples of the analytical services offered by Suisse Technology Partners AG are
Determination of heavy metal traces in organic samples according to ICH Q3D, USP <232>/<233> and Ph.Eur.
Chromatographic assay and purity determination of active pharmaceutical ingredients
Analytics of cannabinoids and controlled substances
Characterization of nanomaterials
Analytical method development, method validation and transfer according to GMP and ISO 17025
Metal analysis (alloy components by means of spark spectrometer)
Corrosion tests, alternating climate tests, environmental simulation
Testing and characterization of plastics, plastic composites, plastic additives
Technical safety: Chemical analyses of materials, damage analyses, fractographies, condition assessments, materialography
Technical safety: Mechanical material and component testing (static and dynamic, fatigue and creep tests under temperature)
In addition, Suisse Technology Partners AG offers:
Research and development projects from chemical synthesis in the laboratory to transfer of synthesis routes to production scale (including in-process analytics) for customers from the pharmaceutical and chemical industries
Laboratory scale custom synthesis
Packaging expertise in the field of pharmaceutical packaging: thermoforming, coldforming, numerical simulations from conception to optimization (e.g. moisture diffusion in pharmaceutical blisters or heat influence during the sealing process)
Suisse TP is accredited according to ISO/IEC 17025, GMP-certified (Swissmedic) and FDA approved. In addition, Suisse TP has an operating license for handling of controlled substances (narcotics).

Suisse Technology Partners AG
Querstrasse 5
8212 Neuhausen am Rheinfall
Tel +41 52 551 11 00
Fax +41 52 551 11 99
Kontaktperson (en)
Dr. Alexander Kromer (Polymer Expert) / Patrik Bachmann (Laborleiter Elementanalytik)
ISO 17034
ISO 9001
ISO/IEC 17025